current trends in elearning
The eLearning industry continues to evolve and introduce new learning methodologies that are all geared towards ensuring trainees can easily access training courses and retain the key information from those training sessions. Here are some current trends in eLearning that can benefit from a multicultural approach.
Pack a powerful punch with short bursts of training content. Micro-learning is a great way to enforce key concepts and give your trainees a sense of accomplishment.
Localization need: These courses do well on handheld devices and benefit from Multilanguage subtitle options to allow a user to hear the English voiceover and read the content in their Native language. This is a popular method of helping trainees to not only retain knowledge, but also improve their English language skills.

In a few years, video will make up 80% of the Internet traffic globally. Integrating video elements into training will be critical to any company’s training approach – particularly companies with a large population of millennial employees.
Localization need: Multi-cultural voiceover and subtitling services would be needed. Subtitles are becoming very popular in training materials to allow trainees to read the content and also hear the English voiceover (helping them to also learn English better).
If you create the right balance of “stakes” for your trainees, you can ensure they are engaged in the content.
Localization need: By creating games – and localizing them for target audiences – you allow a level of interactivity that draws your trainees into the course and elevates their commitment to learning the content.

social eLearning
Polling trainees on giving their opinions or rating something (like a video on YouTube) can be very powerful to allow learners to connect on the content in a more socially interactive way. This not only allows them to interact with content instead of just viewing it, but also allows different trainees to connect and share their interpretations of the content.
Localization need: Text may need to be translated (or machine translated for quick reference purposes). Surveys or rating systems may need to be culturally adapted for the target languages and audiences.
big data
Big data is a big deal – especially in the realm of eLearning. It gives developers the ability to improve the eLearning courses, custom tailor every eLearning activity, and gain valuable insights into learning behaviors and preferences. By using analytics tools, which are built into a variety of Learning Management Systems, you have the power to fine-tune your eLearning strategy and ensure that every aspect of your eLearning course is in-line with your goals and objectives. There are plenty of other feedback tools you can utilize – such as surveys, focus groups and eLearning assessments.
Localization need: These materials should also be translated and culturally adapted to gain data from your multicultural staff.

responsive learning management systems
Responsive design courses are accessible on all platforms and devices. In essence, the LMS automatically adjusts the eLearning course elements – from text blocks to images – based on screen size and resolution. This ensures that every member of your audience gets the same eLearning experience no matter how they access the content.
Localization need: Languages expand and contract. Having a Native speaker review the content in the final platform/format is needed to ensure to design still flows properly in different languages. If there are several issues across languages, you may consider altering the format based on the feedback.

the CQ fluency way
When it comes to eLearning localization, your goals are our goals. We want to ensure that all learners can achieve the same educational outcomes, on the same timetable, with the same effort. That’s getting it right and getting it global.
If you manage translation or localization and wish to increase the effectiveness of your marketing and communications across cultures, CQ fluency’s team of translation experts can help you.